Topics (Food) Fraud European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesNo more sour grapes? The EU moves to make it harder to produce fraudulent wine.How the EU is dealing with illegal food sold online during the COVID outbreak (Food) Packaging Codex alimentarius: historical 46th meeting (CAC46) while celebrating its 60th anniversaryEC implementation guidelines on the Single-Use Plastics (SUP) directive are finally there...!EU: The Council Adopts New Rules on Single-use Plastics (Food) Pricing Loi Alimentation et Agriculture : qu’en reste-t-il ? (Food) Processing European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesFatty Acids Recommendations Remain Subject to DiscussionsNew Rules for the Labelling, Production and Protection of Spirit Drinks. (Food) Safety CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Outcome of 7th Codex Committee - Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH7)Codex alimentarius: historical 46th meeting (CAC46) while celebrating its 60th anniversaryAspartame safety review by the WHO: a short story about a tempest in a teapot… (Food) Waste The food safety aspects of edible insectsFood Hygiene Regulation to be updated before the end of the yearRéforme de la directive déchets et gaspillage alimentaire Agri European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesThe future of organic in Europe: changes coming to processing and labelling rulesLoi Alimentation et Agriculture : qu’en reste-t-il ? Biological New Guidance for Management of Biological Foodborne Outbreaks, and Identification of CCPsCan halal meat be labelled as organic in the EU?La réforme du bio: jeu d’équilibre entre qualité et quantité Biotechnology European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic Techniques Brexit How to boost innovation in the nutraceutical sector after Brexit?Brexit and food additive authorisation procedures CBD The French Court of Cassation authorizes the marketing of certain CBD-based productsHow safe is CBD?EU’s Court of Justice gave the long-awaited judgment on the classification of cannabidiol (CBD) Claims (Health Claims/Nutrition Claims) Codex Alimentarius Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses: CCNFSDU43REFIT of the Nutrition and Health Claim Regulation: Outcomes and perspectivesEU health claims referring to botanicals: back in the spotlight amid the current crisis? Codex Alimentarius CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Main Outcome of the 47th session (CAC47)CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Main Outcome of the 48th Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL48)CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Main Outcomes of 44th Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU44) Compliance & Enforcement Towards a GPS RegulationTitanium dioxide: An unexpected decision from EFSAHow the EU is dealing with illegal food sold online during the COVID outbreak Denrées alimentaires European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic Techniques E-Commerce How the EU is dealing with illegal food sold online during the COVID outbreak Edible insects Edible insects: the science of novel food evaluationsEdible insect legislation Emballage EC implementation guidelines on the Single-Use Plastics (SUP) directive are finally there...! Etiquetage European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesThe future of organic in Europe: changes coming to processing and labelling rulesThe Lactalis case: continuation and end Feed European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic Techniques Food Additives CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Outcome of 54th Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA54)Codex alimentarius: historical 46th meeting (CAC46) while celebrating its 60th anniversaryAspartame safety review by the WHO: a short story about a tempest in a teapot… Food and Drug CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Main Outcome of the 47th session (CAC47)CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Main Outcome of the 48th Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL48)CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Main Outcomes of 44th Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU44) Food hygiene New Guidance for Management of Biological Foodborne Outbreaks, and Identification of CCPsFood Hygiene Regulation to be updated before the end of the year Food origin The Lactalis case: continuation and end Fraude (alimentaire) European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesHow the EU is dealing with illegal food sold online during the COVID outbreakHow online sales of food pose a regulatory challenge in the EU Gaspillage (alimentaire) Réforme de la directive déchets et gaspillage alimentaire General Food Law (the GFL) European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic Techniques GMO European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesUne décision contraignante de la CJUE sur la mutagenèse In the news Updates on news and articles which appeared in other media, with references. Food safety: EU to ban the use of Titanium Dioxide (E171) as a food additive in 2022Consequences of Brexit: not to be underestimatedThe European Union authorises insect proteins in poultry and pig feed Ingredients CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Main Outcome of the 47th session (CAC47)CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Outcome of 54th Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA54)CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Outcome of 17th Codex Committee on Toxins and Contaminants in Foods (CCCF17) Innovation European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesCommission launches EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing PracticesEuropean Parliament allows for ‘creamy’ and ‘buttery’ plant-based dairy Jurisprudence The French Court of Cassation authorizes the marketing of certain CBD-based productsTitanium dioxide: An unexpected decision from EFSA Labelling CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Main Outcome of the 48th Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL48)CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Outcome of 17th Codex Committee on Toxins and Contaminants in Foods (CCCF17)CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Outcome of 54th Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH54) Legislation (alimentaire) European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesTowards a GPS RegulationTitanium dioxide: An unexpected decision from EFSA Marketing Commission launches EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices Nanomaterials The EU and the definition of “Nanomaterial” Novel Foods The food safety aspects of edible insectsEdible insects: the science of novel food evaluationsCBD food and drink products in the EU: the newest hot commodity or a regulatory headache? Nutriscore EU nutrition claims under the microscopeLes désaccords sur le statut juridique du Nutri-Score persistent Organic European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesThe future of organic in Europe: changes coming to processing and labelling rulesCan halal meat be labelled as organic in the EU? Packaging EC implementation guidelines on the Single-Use Plastics (SUP) directive are finally there...! Personal Nutrition European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesCodex Alimentarius Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses: CCNFSDU43 Plant Breeding European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic Techniques Plastics EC implementation guidelines on the Single-Use Plastics (SUP) directive are finally there...!EU: The Council Adopts New Rules on Single-use Plastics Prix (alimentair) Loi Alimentation et Agriculture : qu’en reste-t-il ? Proteins Codex Alimentarius Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses: CCNFSDU43New era for insects!Edible insect legislation Réglementaire Commission launches EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing PracticesEuropean Parliament allows for ‘creamy’ and ‘buttery’ plant-based dairyNew era for insects! Regulatory CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Main Outcome of the 47th session (CAC47)Codex alimentarius: historical 46th meeting (CAC46) while celebrating its 60th anniversaryCommission launches EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices Sanitaire (crise/contrôle) Contrôle sanitaire : quelles sanctions, quels recours ? Sanitary (crisi) Contrôle sanitaire : quelles sanctions, quels recours ? Sécurité (alimentaire) European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic TechniquesTowards a GPS RegulationHow safe is CBD? Traceability The Lactalis case: continuation and endHow the EU is dealing with illegal food sold online during the COVID outbreakEuropean Commission report on feed additives, their ingredients and traceability Uncategorized Important European Court of Justice decision on adding non-organic ingredients to organic drinksThe Lactalis case: continuation and endEU’s Court of Justice gave the long-awaited judgment on the classification of cannabidiol (CBD) Vegetarian European Commission Adopts Proposal on Regulation of New Genomic Techniques