Photo of Craig Simpson

Today, the European Commission adopted its proposal for a regulation on plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques (targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis) (‘NGTs’) and derived food and feed products.

NGTs permit more targeted genetic changes than conventional breeding or traditional genomic techniques involving the introduction of genetic material from a non-crossable species, permitting rapid development

Labelling terms referring to organic production and EU organic logo make it easier for the consumers to identify organic products and ensure organic food meets strict conditions of production and processing, in accordance with EU requirements. In line with the overall revision of organic production, the new Regulation (EU) No 2018/848[1], intended to

Cet article a été publié sur Les Marchés, le Média de l’alimentaire.

Alors que la publication des ordonnances est imminente, petite analyse rapide de ce qu’il reste du projet de loi de Stéphane Travert et des mesures censurées par le Conseil constitutionnel.

Le 25 octobre 2018, le Conseil constitutionnel s’est prononcé sur la