Photo of Craig Simpson

Today, the European Commission adopted its proposal for a regulation on plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques (targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis) (‘NGTs’) and derived food and feed products.

NGTs permit more targeted genetic changes than conventional breeding or traditional genomic techniques involving the introduction of genetic material from a non-crossable species, permitting rapid development

On 30 June 2021, the European Commission published the outcome of its public consultation and finally approved proposed text for a revision of the General Product Safety Directives (GSPD). The proposal’s aim is to repeal the two existing Directives, 87/357/EEC and 2001/95/EC, and form an EU Regulation directly applicable to all EU Member States. The

The EFSA recently gave its updated conclusions on the titanium dioxide (E171) food additive. The results were a reassessment of the EFSA’s safety conclusions which were published on June 28, 2016 (which were themselves a reassessment of the EFSA’s original 2009 assessment). The most recent appraisal took into consideration new data that have been discovered

Labelling terms referring to organic production and EU organic logo make it easier for the consumers to identify organic products and ensure organic food meets strict conditions of production and processing, in accordance with EU requirements. In line with the overall revision of organic production, the new Regulation (EU) No 2018/848[1], intended to

On the 15th of April 2021, the European Commission presented a summary of its Farm to Fork proposal at the EU’s regulatory committee meeting on food.

The Farm to Fork initiative proposes to modify the EU-FIC Regulations on front-of-pack nutritional labelling, nutrient profiles, origin labelling and date marking.

The summary included interesting feedback and thoughts

On November 19, the EU’s Court of Justice gave the long-awaited judgment on the classification of cannabidiol (CBD). The Court judged that CBD cannot be qualified as a “narcotic” in the eyes of the law. As a result, CBD products can be marketed and benefit from the free movement guaranteed by Articles 34 to 36

Cannabidiol (‘CBD’) has burst onto the world stage in recent years, and the EU is no exception, with shops selling CBD products opening up in various countries across Europe. While CBD can be incorporated into cosmetics and used for medical uses, it is quickly gaining traction in the food and drink market, with CBD found

Cet article a été publié sur Les Marchés, le Média de l’alimentaire.

Le 16 novembre, le ministère de l’Agriculture des États-Unis et l’administration des denrées alimentaires américaine ont annoncé qu’ils étaient parvenus à un accord sur un cadre réglementaire commun pour la viande cultivée en laboratoire.

Au cours des dernières années, le prix

Cet article a été publié sur Agra Alimentation, le média des enjeux de stratégiques et financiers de l’agroalimentaire.

Depuis l’affaire Lactalis, la sécurité alimentaire et l’efficacité des contrôles sanitaires occupent une place grandissante dans le débat législatif. À l’Assemblée nationale, la commission d’enquête chargée de tirer les enseignements de cette affaire et d’étudier,