This article was published on Food Navigator on the 6th of August.

What does the EC’s fitness and performance check on Nutrition and Health Claims regulation suggest?

On 20 May 2020, the European Commission completed the REFIT [1] Evaluation of the Regulation (EC) n°1924/2006 on Nutrition and Health claims (the NHCR). Even though the

Annexes I and II of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 lay down the general hygiene provisions that food business operators must comply with to ensure food safety throughout the food chain. The European Commission is empowered to update and adapt those Annexes, taking into account, among others, scientific advice (article 13). On this basis, the European

In May, the European Commission published its ‘from-farm-to-table’ strategy which aims  to introduce ‘nutrient profiles’ by Q4, 2022. The objective of nutrient profiles is to place limits on certain nutrients i.e. fats, sugars and salt that can be contained in foods which simultaneously claim certain health benefits. The introduction of the strategy is long-awaited and

This article is powered by EU Food Law – Published on 6 Jan 2020


The internet has become a platform for selling food across the globe. However, food standards are lagging behind such developments. This situation could jeopardize both consumer safety and fair competition among the food business operators (FBOs).

Online official controls fighting

Cannabidiol (‘CBD’) has burst onto the world stage in recent years, and the EU is no exception, with shops selling CBD products opening up in various countries across Europe. While CBD can be incorporated into cosmetics and used for medical uses, it is quickly gaining traction in the food and drink market, with CBD found

The controversy surrounding the safety evaluations of glyphosate by public European bodies, in particular the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), has had its impact on the EU General Food Law reform. On June 13th, following the approval by the European Parliament on 17 April 2019, the Council formally adopted a new Regulation on

Today, the Council adopted the Single-Use Plastics Directive.

One of the key outcomes is the introduction of an EU wide market restriction for several plastic products such as cotton bud sticks, plates, or food containers made of expanded polystyrene.

The new rules introduced by the Directive also includes:

  • Measures to reduce the consumption of

Cet article a été publié sur Les Marchés, le Média de l’alimentaire.

Le 16 novembre, le ministère de l’Agriculture des États-Unis et l’administration des denrées alimentaires américaine ont annoncé qu’ils étaient parvenus à un accord sur un cadre réglementaire commun pour la viande cultivée en laboratoire.

Au cours des dernières années, le prix

Cet article a été publié sur Les Marchés, le Média de l’alimentaire.

Le 13 septembre 2018, en session plénière, les députés européens ont voté massivement en faveur d’une résolution non législative appelant les États membres, la Commission et les associations de consommateurs, à lutter davantage contre le phénomène de « qualité différenciée »

Cet article a été publié sur Agra Alimentation, le média des enjeux de stratégiques et financiers de l’agroalimentaire.

Le nouveau règlement (UE) n°2015/2283 sur les aliments nouveaux, est entré en vigueur le 1er janvier 2018. Tout en intégrant expressément, de nouvelles catégories d’aliments, telles que les insectes, ou les nanomatériaux, il harmonise et