On the 15th of April 2021, the European Commission presented a summary of its Farm to Fork proposal at the EU’s regulatory committee meeting on food.

The Farm to Fork initiative proposes to modify the EU-FIC Regulations on front-of-pack nutritional labelling, nutrient profiles, origin labelling and date marking.

The summary included interesting feedback and thoughts

This article was first published at IHS Markit (subscription required), 3 September 2020

The internet has become a platform for selling food across the globe. This phenomenon has even increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, some malevolent operators use the current crisis as a business opportunity and have freed themselves from the EU food legislation.

This article was published on Food Navigator on the 6th of August.

What does the EC’s fitness and performance check on Nutrition and Health Claims regulation suggest?

On 20 May 2020, the European Commission completed the REFIT [1] Evaluation of the Regulation (EC) n°1924/2006 on Nutrition and Health claims (the NHCR). Even though the

In May, the European Commission published its ‘from-farm-to-table’ strategy which aims  to introduce ‘nutrient profiles’ by Q4, 2022. The objective of nutrient profiles is to place limits on certain nutrients i.e. fats, sugars and salt that can be contained in foods which simultaneously claim certain health benefits. The introduction of the strategy is long-awaited and

In order to meet consumer expectations for more transparency and clarity in the labelling of foodstuffs, agri-food manufacturers have been developing (or at least reformulating) their food products, with the aim of making products and ingredients sound more natural, healthier, less processed, and closer to those their customers could make at home.

A trend towards

Photo of Christophe Leprêtre

This article was first published in the World Food Regulation Review June Issue Vol. 29, Number 1

The 45th session of the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL45) succeeded in improving the proposed draft guidelines for countries and business operators on mandatory and voluntary labelling provisions for non-retail containers of food and food ingredients

Cet article a été publié sur Les Marchés, le Média de l’alimentaire.

Le 16 novembre, le ministère de l’Agriculture des États-Unis et l’administration des denrées alimentaires américaine ont annoncé qu’ils étaient parvenus à un accord sur un cadre réglementaire commun pour la viande cultivée en laboratoire.

Au cours des dernières années, le prix

Cet article a été publié sur Les Marchés, le Média de l’alimentaire.

Alors que la publication des ordonnances est imminente, petite analyse rapide de ce qu’il reste du projet de loi de Stéphane Travert et des mesures censurées par le Conseil constitutionnel.

Le 25 octobre 2018, le Conseil constitutionnel s’est prononcé sur la

Cet article a été publié sur Les Marchés, le Média de l’alimentaire.

Le 13 septembre 2018, en session plénière, les députés européens ont voté massivement en faveur d’une résolution non législative appelant les États membres, la Commission et les associations de consommateurs, à lutter davantage contre le phénomène de « qualité différenciée »