Photo of Christophe Leprêtre
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End November, the Codex Alimentarius Commission reviewed all texts proposed for adoption, advancement, amendments, revocation, and discontinuation from its technical Codex Committees, Regional Coordinating Committees, or specific intersessional work they performed in the past twelve months since CAC46 meeting. CAC47 adopted decisions on product standards, e.g., spices and culinary herbs, avocado oil, olive oil, other

Photo of Christophe Leprêtre

The 48th session of the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL48) finalized a historical update of the section on allergens in the General Standard on the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (GSLPF or CXS 1) and completed work on two new guidelines on the use of new information technologies to convey food labelling and on

Photo of Christophe Leprêtre

The 44th session of the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Nutrition and Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU44) finalized work on new General Principles for the Establishment of NRVs-R For Persons Aged 6 – 36 Months; a first set of NRV-Rs for that population group; a stepwise approach to develop new NRV-Rs; editorial amendments to the infant formula

Photo of Christophe Leprêtre

Aspartame and Titanium Dioxide are both safe for use as Food Additives

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The 54th session of the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Food Additives, Flavorings, Enzymes, Yeasts, and Processing Aids (CCFA54) successfully concluded its assigned work ahead of schedule. As a landmark decision, CCFA54 reaffirmed the safety of both aspartame (INS 951) and titanium dioxide (INS

Photo of Christophe Leprêtre
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This article was published in World Food Regulation Review, January 2023, p. 29-34.

By Christophe Leprêtre1 (Keller and Heckman LLP)

The once-a-year Codex Alimentarius Commission session (CAC45) recently adopted eleven (11) new international norms in various areas ranging from national food law template to new limits for heavy metals, pesticides, new standards on dried

Photo of Christophe Leprêtre
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This article was published in World Food Regulation Review, November 2022, p. 33-34.

By Christophe Leprêtre1 (Keller and Heckman LLP)

The 45th plenary session of the Codex alimentarius Commission (CAC45) was held on the week of 21 to 25 November 2022. It generally made expected progresses on important standards such as heavy metals and

Photo of Christophe Leprêtre
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This article was published in World Food Regulation Review, November 2022, p. 30-34.

By Christophe Leprêtre1 (Keller and Heckman LLP)

The 6th session of the Codex alimentarius Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH6), chaired by India, concluded on several important commodity standards while meeting virtually end September 2022. CCCSH6 concluded on new Codex