With the adoption of the measures in place to contain the COVID-19 health emergency, companies in the food supply chain have reported severe operational difficulties deriving from the closure of production activities deemed to be non-essential or non-strategic and the restrictions on activities that support the food sector, with the food sector nevertheless being called upon to keep production levels unchanged.
Among these activities, graphic design agencies and printers have experienced problems in acquiring raw materials alongside severe impediments to their activities due to the safety measures adopted to protect the health of their employees.
The difficulties in the graphics and packaging production sectors have led to significant delays in the production and delivery of packaging ordered by companies in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/775.
In addition to these difficulties, demand for products has increased considerably due to the closure of catering activities and a growing difficulty in the sector in sourcing packaging in a timely manner that complies with the provisions confirmed by the Commission in the Commission Notice of 31 January 2020.